Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Coping Strategies For New Teachers

Useful Tips & Coping Strategies to Relieve Classroom and Student-Induced Stress For New Teachers
Follow these suggestions to ease the stress of daily transescent overload!!!

  1. Practice peer and colleague communication as a resource tool.

  2. Have open and honest communication with your department head.

  3. Start calm, stay calm.

  4. Utilize free periods for student conferences and/or to grade homework assignments.

  5. Journal as an outlet for pent up anxiety and frustration.

  6. Stay as organized as possible.

  7. Perform stretch and deep breathing exercises throughout the day.

  8. Keep a stock of various relaxation tapes ready or download relaxing music to your IPod.

  9. Try to talk with your significant other throughout the course of the day.

  10. Try to remember the reasons why you became a teacher and STAY POSITIVE!

  11. Look for a mentor.

  12. Do not be disappointed if your students do not seem to like you, and do not take it personal. They are adolescents, and adolescents tend to be skeptical of adults. Be aware that you have changed sides, even if you still feel young at heart!

  13. Show interest for (or be knowledgeable in) current trends, fashion, computer games, technological gadgets, etc. This will make it easier for you to connect with teenagers.

  14. Realize that you are part of a great mission, even if you do not feel like it every single moment!

  15. Do not forget that your life does not consist of your job alone. Keep other fields of interests other than school – a hobby, family time, community cause, etc.

  16. Look for friendly colleagues who may be able to help you out or share their materials with you.

  17. Spend time with colleagues who make you feel good about what you do, not those who make you feel inferior. You’ll probably feel insecure at first, which is quite normal.

  18. Test new ideas and techniques with small groups first before trying them with an entire class.

  19. Act professional at all times – this will make you feel more secure and credible.

  20. Admit that you do not know everything and that you sometimes need help.

  21. Memorize the names of your students as fast as possible!

  22. Be clear and consistent.

  23. Praise yourself and your students.

  24. Regard your students as interesting, challenging human beings who want to grow and develop.

  25. Love your students!

  26. Humor helps.

  27. Look for new friends who are not teachers.

  28. Find one day per week that you will neither think about your job, nor work on something school-related. Instead, do something entirely different, such as hiking or taking a cooking lesson.

  29. Clear your mind and relax completely for a few minutes at least 10 minutes per day.
  30. Remember, Rome was not built in a day...the same applies to building a rewarding, meaningful career as a teacher!

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